- Refugees Welcome, Autumn 2019 – Independent Pillar Panel approves application for World Refugee Day Pillar at MK Rose.
- Action on Climate Change, Autumn 2019 – five schools meet to begin first joint action on climate change at thecentre:mk.
- Action on Climate Change, Summer 2019 – canteen at The Radcliffe School goes plastic free.
- Weaving Trust, Summer 2019 – Leave and Remain supporters meet to talk about similarities and differences.
- Fair Work, Spring 2019 – MK Council commits to first stage of Fair Work Charter.
- Weaving Trust, Spring 2019 – Stantonbury International School sixth form students prioritise face-to-face conversations.
- Refugees Welcome, Spring 2019 – St. George’s Church Wolverton launches Sponsor Refugees project.
- Refugees Welcome Schools, Autumn 2018 – six schools sign for Refugees Welcome Schools accreditation.
- Redways Relaunch, Summer 2018 – won 261 specified improvements to the Redway network against target of 50.
- House the Homeless, Spring 2018 – agreed working with MK Homelessness Partnership; developing MK’s first Community Land Trust.
- Life Skills for Young People, Spring 2018 – won pledges from Santander and the Open University to delivery finance management skills training sessions in school.
- Mental Health, Spring 2018 – agreed working with the Director of MK Mental Health Services to improve services.
- Living Wage, Autumn 2017: 48 MK employers accredited with Living Wage Foundation.
- Fight Against Hate, Autumn 2017: pledges from Thames Valley Police and MK Council at Fight Against Hate Day of Action.
- Redways Relaunch, Summer 2017: four employers (Dentons Network Rail, Santander, Shoosmiths) partner schools in clearing and cleaning local Redways.
- Fight Against Hate, Summer 2017: 10 hate crime survivors have their voices heard at first ‘Healing through Hearing’ event.
- Redways Relaunch, Summer 2017: Leader of MK Council pledges to 50 Redway improvements.
- Mental Health, Spring 2017: Director of MK Mental Health Services pledges to support campaign goals.
- Fight Against Hate, Spring 2017: General Manager of Arriva Buses (Midlands) pledges to run poster campaign on buses in national Hate Crime Awareness Week.
- Living Wage, Spring 2017: 40th MK employer says yes to real Living Wage accreditation.
- Weaving Trust, Winter 2017: 50 organisations involved in single event at Cornerstone Church to begin MK 50 celebrations.
- Refugees Welcome, Autumn 2016: three more Syrian refugee families settled in MK.
- Weaving Trust, Summer 2016: MK Council’s 2016-20 Council Plan includes: ‘Support the development of an agreed set of proposals each year with Citizens:mk to be proposed at their annual assembly’.
- Community Energy, Summer 2016: Council Leader appoints Cabinet member and Director with responsibility for reducing energy use.
- Refugees Welcome, Spring 2016: two Syrian refugee families settled; leaders of three main parties commit to Autumn talks about increasing refugees welcomed.
- Weaving Trust, Spring 2016: 35 organisations (of target 50) pledge to attend ‘MK50’ Weaving Trust event in January 2017.
- Living Wage, Spring 2016: Business leaders pledge commitment to achieving goal of 50 accredited MK employers in 2017.
- Community Energy, Spring 2016: Council Leader pledges commitment to installing solar panels on Council buildings.
- Safe Youth, Spring 2016: Council Leader appoints officer to enforce parking restrictions at Southwood Primary School.
- Living Wage, Winter 2015: launch of MK Living Wage Business Network, a UK first; 14th MK-based employer accredited.
- Refugees Welcome, Autumn 2015: Refugees Welcome campaign launches with assembly of 100+ from 12 institutions, including MK Council.
- Fair Transport, Summer 2015: Bus Passengers Charter approved by MK Council and bus companies.
- Safe Youth, Spring 2015: new accommodation found at The Buszy for Q:alliance youth groups’ weekly meetings.
- Weaving Trust, Spring 2015: first event facilitating speed conversations between people from different institutions.
- Fair Transport, Winter 2015: bus subsidies preserved in MK Council’s budget.
- Living Wage, Autumn 2014: MK Council registers for Living Wage accreditation.
- Living Wage, Autumn 2013: The Open University registers for Living Wage accreditation.
- Safe Youth, Spring 2013: unsafe redway path near MK Academy school made safe by Parks Trust.
- Safe Youth, Winter 2012: first community walk held, addressing issue of youth violence on Fishermead, launch of ‘CitySafe’ campaign.