Cycle to school

In the Netherlands, with similar weather, most children cycle to school. Danish studies show that cycling to school lowers young people’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Children who walk or cycle to school concentrate better than those who are driven there.1

Our research with over a thousand MK secondary school students age 11-12 shows that, while 51% of all respondents are driven to school, only 13% cycle. Although this is above the average for England, cycling still seems to be undervalued as an effective way of getting to school and back.  Among those living within a 15-minute cycle ride from school, 37% are driven and only 14% cycle. Extrapolating across all Year 7 students in MK, approximately 1,100 could be cycling to school.2

We take action to encourage cycling to school:

  1. ↩︎
  2. Cycling CitizensMK launches Year 7 School Travel report | Cycling Citizens MK – helping people cycle morel. ↩︎