MK Bikeability Olympics

Created in 2022 by Cycling Citizens MK, an alliance of diverse business and community organisations, Bikeability Olympics set out to encourage 9-11-year-olds to cycle more after completing their Bikeability Level 2 training.

What’s happened so far

Winners of MK Bikeability Olympics 2022

How it works

Over three after-school heats (normally 3.30-6pm), school teams of five pupils from up to 27 primary schools compete to qualify for the final and win medals.  Each contestant takes part in a carousel of five contests, each 20 minutes long including changeover.  The contests are:  Obstacle Course, Pump Relay, Slow Race, Bike Detectives and Road Ride.

Bikeability Olympics is co-ordinated as an optional add-on to Bikeability Training delivered by the local authority, which employs indirectly a Bikeability Olympics Organiser to undertake the following activities with stakeholders:

Schools and parentsEngage up to 27 schools (9 per heat for a maximum total of 45 contestants per heat) and/or parents with marketing material and an online registration template
Bikeability instructorsOrganise Bikeability instructors to deliver each Olympics contest, including one group planning meeting one week before each event (3 heats plus final)
VolunteersRecruit and manage volunteers to support instructors delivering contsts
Sponsoring partnerNegotiate sponsorship of the Olympics
Venue hostRecruit three hosts, one for each heat, ideally located in different parts of the city/area for equal access, plus a centrally-located host for the final
MediaProduce media outputs including press releases to print and broadcast news agencies

Feedback from participants


For support in setting up a Bikeability Olympics in your area, contact Organiser Tom Bulman at, tel 07962 838685.