Workplace Challenge Sept-Oct 2022

This challenge involves a selection of large MK companies in a gentle competition to achieve the highest use of cycling and other sustainable transport modes over 50 days from 1st September as recorded on MK Council’s BetterPoints app. The winners will receive Mayor’s Awards and prizes (see below) at the Mayor’s Cycling & Sustainable Travel Awards Breakfast hosted by Network Rail on 10th November – click here for details. The overall winner of the Workplace Challenge is Gemini Rail Services (pictured below).

Results from Better Points app at 21.10.22:

Cycling only

BusinessesNo. of MK employersChampionNo. cycle activitiesAve. cycle activities per employeeNo. miles cycledAve. cycle miles per employeeAmount C02 avoided (kg)
ICAEW10Liz Tribe10210.2059559.50100
Gemini Rail Services UK127David Smith2852.24379329.87629
World Vision280Emily Willis1470.5315805.64267
The Open University1450Carmel Collins2080.1410740.74182
John Lewis Store720Elaine Wales560.081130.1618
MK Council2000Raeesa Chowdhury1360.076490.32108
MK College500Ali Murphy260.051550.3126
Nissan Technical Centre Europe1000Stuart Page330.032720.2744
Santander3000Siobhan Beddow470.026710.22112
Network Rail4500Jo Lewington550.014870.1182
Volkswagen Group1000Andrew Stanley20.0020.000
      1,0970.67        9,3914.86    1,568

All sustainable travel activities (i.e. walking, scooting, bus and train, not just cycling)

BusinessesNo. of MK employersChampionNo. activitiesAve. activities per employeeNo. milesAve. miles per employeeAmount C02 avoided (kg)
ICAEW10Liz Tribe35235.201719171.90276
Gemini Rail Services UK127David Smith10057.91545542.95889
World Vision280Emily Willis3471.2427709.89432
The Open University1450Carmel Collins7720.5329222.02458
MK College500Ali Murphy2640.5311182.24163
MK Council2000Raeesa Chowdhury6120.3119100.96288
John Lewis720Elaine Wales1380.195180.7261
Volkswagen Group1000Andrew Stanley1120.112400.2440
Network Rail4500Jo Lewington4070.0932300.72392
Nissan Technical Centre Europe1000Stuart Page380.043160.3251
Santander3000Siobhan Beddow710.027190.24119
Sainsbury’s Argos16000Stephen Henman190.002890.0239
       4,1372.31      21,20611.61     3,208

Awards & Prizes

Top Cycling Company (most cycling activities & miles cycled)Dr. Bike advice & basic repairs
Top Cycling Individual (most cycling activities) – 1st placeCycle helmet
Top Cycling Individual (most cycling activities) – 2nd place£50 voucher
Top Cycling Individual (most cycling activities) – 3rd placeT-shirt/tote bag
Winning Walker (most walking activities) – 1st placeBone conducting headphones
Winning Walker (most walking activities) – 2nd placeT-shirt/tote bag
C02 Saver (most CO2 saved from walking and sustainable journey modes) – 1st place£50 voucher
C02 Saver (most CO2 saved from walking and sustainable journey modes) – 2nd placeT-shirt/tote bag
Most Sustainable Traveler (most sustainable bus journeys – bus, train, MK connect, eScooter, Car Club Journey) – 1st place£50 voucher
Most Sustainable Traveler (most sustainable bus journeys – bus, train, MK connect, eScooter, Car Club Journey) – 2nd placeT-shirt/tote bag
Top BetterPoints Company (most engagements per person)£200 to give to charity

Potential Business Cycling Initiatives at Nov 2022

CodeInitiative nameExampleExamples of evidence
BC1Dr Bike/cycle maintenance sessionsQualified or experienced bike mechanic visits company site to perform safety checks/minor repairs to staff bikes.Photos; publicity material
BC2Cycle parking installedCyclepods, Minipods, Sheffield stands or bike shelters installed.Photos of the cycle parking
BC3Bikers BreakfastCompany holds a breakfast for staff who cycle to work.Photos, register, publicity material
BC4Cycle competitions/ business cycle challengeInter-company cycling events – see Cycling CitizensMK calendar of eventsPhotos; publicity material
BC5Bike weekSchool participates in National Bike Week or Sustrans Bike to School WeekPhotos
BC6Pool bike system in placeCompany loans out or hires bikes for staff to use for the journey to and from work.Loan agreement, photos
BC7Cycle purchase scheme for staffCompany takes part in Cycle to Work Scheme. Schemes include Cyclescheme, Bike2Work, Bicycle Benefits (On Your Bike), Cycleplus, NHS Bikes for Work.Confirmation documents/emails from the scheme provider
BC8Bicycle Security MarkingPolice bike marking scheme. Datatags, ImmobiTags or similar electronic tagging scheme. Also use for scooter security markingPublicity material; photos of event
BC9Cycle rides/excursionsUsing cycling as a form of transport to get you from A to B, e.g. shopping. Organised cycle tours such as Coast2Coast or Lands End to John O’GroatsPhotos, risk assessments, consent forms
BC10Bling Your Bike DayFancy dress event for bikes. It may be a ride, event or competitionPhotos
BC**Other cycling initiativeAny cycling action not covered elsewhere. Use the Action Title to name the initiativePhotos; letters; newsletters; webpages; publicity material as appropriate for the initiative

Any questions, please contact Tom Bulman,, tel 07962 838685.

How to sign up for the 50 Day Challenge

  • Sign up to BetterPoints
  • Visit the left-hand menu
  • Select ‘Referral Code’
  • Use referral code MKWORKPLACES 
  • Join the 50 day workplace challenge and select your workplace from the Challenges tab to take part.

How do you take part?

📲 When you join the challenge you’ll receive a message to take the ‘Get Started Survey,’ where you willearn 250 BetterPoints and unlock your rewards.

🎯 Track your active and sustainable travel journeys in the BetterPoints app to climb the leaderboard, and earn BetterTickets into the daily prize draws.

Encourage your colleagues to sign up and do the same.

How does the Leaderboard rank the teams?

You will be competing against 20 local workplace teams based on the level of engagement of employees. This is the percentage of the people in your workplace that have signed up and tracked an activity. 

What can you win?

The workplace with the highest engagement ranking at the end of the challenge will win the bragging rights and a donation of £200 to a charity of their choice

🛍 We will also be giving away individual prizes throughout the 50 DAY Challenge – so watch this space!

Daily Prize Draw

Every day we will be giving away pots of BetterPoints. Earn BetterTickets into the daily draw for every journey over half a mile. 

Refer your colleagues – Win 10,000 BetterPoints

During the challenge every 10 days we will be giving the person who has referred the most colleagues 10,000 BetterPoints.

Halfway point – Win 25,000 BetterPoints

🏆 The person who has tracked the most journeys by 25th September will win 25,000 BetterPoints.

What other information can you see?

During the challenge you can see how you fare alongside the colleagues in your workplace team with your tracked activities, distance and CO2 saved.

What journeys count?

Any walk, run, cycle, scoot, wheel, bus or train journey over half a mile counts as one activity on the leaderboard.

Why are only 20 organisations involved?

We have decided to pilot the Get Around MK 50 day challenge with 20 organisations in Milton Keynes, as we have previously been working with these organisations.

If you’d like to be considered for future workplace challenges please get in touch via email.

Want to earn BetterPoints and BetterTickets in Milton Keynes?

Make sure you’ve signed up to the Get Around Rewards residents challenge in the Challenges tab too. If you live outside the area but work in Milton Keynes you can join this challenge by adding another referral code GAR2022 to the left-hand menu in the app.