MK Inter-business Challenge 2022-23

This challenge involves large MK companies in a gentle competition to achieve the highest level of commuter cycling as measured by number of bicycles on site. The winners will receive Mayor’s Cycling Awards at Mayor’s Breakfasts (see events).

Staff at Gemini Rail Services, winners of ‘Most Cycle Journeys’ (using Better Points app) at Mayor’s Cycling Awards 11.10.22

Results at 16.6.23

Potential Business Cycling Initiatives

CodeInitiative nameExampleExamples of evidence
BC1Dr Bike/cycle maintenance sessionsQualified or experienced bike mechanic visits company site to perform safety checks/minor repairs to staff bikes.Photos; publicity material
BC2Cycle parking installedCyclepods, Minipods, Sheffield stands or bike shelters installed.Photos of the cycle parking
BC3Bikers BreakfastCompany holds a breakfast for staff who cycle to work.Photos, register, publicity material
BC4Cycle competitions/ business cycle challengeInter-company cycling events – see Cycling CitizensMK calendar of eventsPhotos; publicity material
BC5Bike weekSchool participates in National Bike Week or Sustrans Bike to School WeekPhotos
BC6Pool bike system in placeCompany loans out or hires bikes for staff to use for the journey to and from work.Loan agreement, photos
BC7Cycle purchase scheme for staffCompany takes part in Cycle to Work Scheme. Schemes include Cyclescheme, Bike2Work, Bicycle Benefits (On Your Bike), Cycleplus, NHS Bikes for Work.Confirmation documents/emails from the scheme provider
BC8Bicycle Security MarkingPolice bike marking scheme. Datatags, ImmobiTags or similar electronic tagging scheme. Also use for scooter security markingPublicity material; photos of event
BC9Cycle rides/excursionsUsing cycling as a form of transport to get you from A to B, e.g. shopping. Organised cycle tours such as Coast2Coast or Lands End to John O’GroatsPhotos, risk assessments, consent forms
BC10Bling Your Bike DayFancy dress event for bikes. It may be a ride, event or competitionPhotos
BC11Cycle VolunteeringVolunteering opportunities for employees, e.g. supporting primary schools’ Bikeability OlympicsPhotos of volunteers in cycling action
BC12Cycle surveySurvey of employees to evidence and understand cycling behavioursSurvey reports
BC**Other cycling initiativeAny cycling action not covered elsewhere. Use the Action Title to name the initiativePhotos; letters; newsletters; webpages; publicity material as appropriate for the initiative

Any questions, please contact Tom Bulman,, tel 07962 838685.