Gender Pedal Gap


To increase the number of women in Milton Keynes who regularly cycle, so as by 2030, to achieve a gender balance (50:50) of men and women regularly cycling. [1]


Phase one

  • To understand the numbers of women cycling in Milton Keynes & how this compares with other genders.
  • To understand how other cities both in the UK and abroad have increased numbers of women cycling.
  • To understand perceptions and beliefs towards cycling in Milton Keynes from women themselves. This includes any barriers, perceived or real that exist and what interventions might support more women to cycle.
  • To raise the profile of cycling in Milton Keynes (aligned with Cycling Citizens MK)

Phase two

  • Once the taskforce has established a robust understanding of what might increase numbers of women cycling, it will establish a set of interventions to achieve its aims.
  • Continue and build upon our platform of raising the profile of cycling in Milton Keynes.

Terms of reference

The taskforce will be a sub-committee of Cycling Citizens MK.

Cycling Citizens MK’s overall objective is to increase participation in cycling in Milton Keynes. Research has shown that cities where cycling participation has increased, at least 50% of those cycling are women.

Therefore, by extension, if we focus efforts to increase the number of women cycling it will directly contribute to the intended aim of Cycling Citizens MK. Therefore, all genders and ages will be impacted.

Membership of the Taskforce

The Taskforce will have a core of members which will have decision making responsibilities.

Roles – Chair / or 2 Co-Chairs

Secretary / administrative

2 / 3? stakeholders

The Taskforce will invite other stakeholders to meetings as it deems appropriate, but they are not a formal member of the decision making taskforce.

Regularly report into Cycling Citizens MK and have a standing progress update on Cycling Citizens events/meetings. While the taskforce will report into Cycling Citizens MK, the Taskforce does not need to seek approval on its actions from Cycling Citizens MK Committee.

Specific objectives

Scope and exclusions

While under 18’s are not specifically excluded from our aims, our focus will primarily be on changing behaviours of adult women.

While men or other genders are not specifically excluded from our aims, our primary efforts will be directed towards women, (including those who identify as women), as there is research to support that motivations, barriers and perceptions towards cycling can vary between genders. And as women cycling are still the minority group.

Milton Keynes is defined as the city of Milton Keynes.

Cycling includes all cycling, both on redways, cycle paths and roads and commuter, utility and leisure cycling.

Methods by which we will achieve our aims and objectives

  1. We will establish a website, Linkedin profile and relevant social media platforms so as to raise profile and awareness of our work. Ideally, aligned with Cycling Citizens MK platforms.
  2. Develop a shared administrative platform for members of the Taskforce.
  3. Meet on a quarterly basis. Agreed actions and any other communication between meetings is through our shared administrative platform.
  4. Work with local groups (as appropriate) to help achieve our aims. These include, but are not restricted to:
  5. Partner members of Cycling Citizens MK Alliance
  6. The MK Mayor’s Office
  7. Milton Keynes Breeze group (women’s only cycling group in MK)
  8. This is where we list other groups we think we are relevant to help us (local cycling groups, local women’s and other community groups).
  9. Undertake research and agree a method by which we determine the current baseline of women cycling in Milton Keynes, so we can measure progress.
  10. Agree how we will involve (listen to) relevant stakeholders and local groups to understand current views towards cycling in Milton Keynes.

[1] Based on the measurements identified