We are

We are an alliance of organisations with a common interest in increasing cycling in Milton Keynes. Using the methods and tools of community organising, our goal is to double cycling in Milton Keynes. This will reduce carbon emissions, improve personal health  and reduce personal financial costs. See VisionMembershipEvents and Wins.


This project began in January 2021 with the aim to increase cycling among Citizens:mk members and partners, led by MK Green Alliance, MK Anglican Deanery and The Open University (Phase One Report). This was extended to July 2022, and the leadership team grown to include school and business leaders (Phase Two Report). The project was extended to July 2023, to develop a self-sustaining broad-based alliance of pro-cycling institutions (Phase Three Report), with Capability grants from Active Travel England and the Department for Transport.

Community Organising is an approach to community change which builds relational power through 121 meetings. It develops leaders and strengthens their institutions through power analysis and SMART goals, bringing them together to create system change.

1. Organise
Organise an alliance of pro-cycling business, education and community institutions, through 121 meetings with their leaders to build relational power; organise money power.
2. ListenListen to member institutions talk about the issues preventing more people from cycling to work and school. Organise listening campaigns across all alliance members.
3. PlanPlan SMART goals which address the issues and exercise the power of the alliance through participation of its members.  Use tools of power analysis to identify power-holders, e.g. senior Councillors and Council officers.
4. ActAct on power-holders, using turnout, testimony, humour and media (where appropriate), to get their reaction on specific requests for public pledges.
5. NegotiateNegotiate with power-holders to ensure pledges are fulfilled and power-holders held to account.

See inspiring MK Grid Spinners video and video about cycling in Finland.